Today I decided to update my resume. And by update, I mean make easy to update at any point in the future in a controlled, over-engineered, repeatable way. I’ve decided that I’d like to be able to modify the LaTex source, commit and push to GitLab, kick off a build on a GitLab runner, use a Docker image to manage dependencies, then store the binary (PDF) output alongside the repo.

Luckily, I already had a LaTeX version of my resume from a couple of months ago in GitHub. Step one is moving to GitLab. Easy as pulling, updating my SSH key, updating the remote, then pushing.

Next step is adding a Dockerfile. I forked this LaTeX base for my resume repository a couple months ago, so I can steal and adapt the Dockerfile from that same repository.

FROM ubuntu:xenial
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive

RUN apt-get update -q && apt-get install -qy \
    --no-install-recommends \
    curl jq \
    texlive-full \
    python-pygments gnuplot \
    make git \
    && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

VOLUME ["/data"]

Just a few changes to this so that I’m sure that the Ubuntu image doesn’t change from build to build,

FROM ubuntu:20.04
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive

In an attempt to update the dependencies based on this StackOverflow post by someone who is much better versed in the LaTeX-Ubuntu landscape than I am,

# from
RUN apt-get --no-install-recommends install \
    texlive-{base,bibtex-extra,extra-utils,generic-recommended,fonts-recommended,font-utils,latex-base,latex-recommended,latex-extra,math-extra,pictures,pstricks,science} \
    perl-tk purifyeps chktex latexmk dvipng xindy dvidvi fragmaster lacheck latexdiff libfile-which-perl dot2tex tipa latex-xcolor latex-beamer prosper pgf

I found that simpler is generally better,

RUN apt-get update -qy
RUN apt-get --no-install-recommends install -qy \
    texlive \

And finally, adding multi-stage builds made this much quicker to test changes to the LaTeX document,

FROM ubuntu:20.04 AS texlive_base
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive

RUN apt-get update -qy
RUN apt-get --no-install-recommends install -qy \
    texlive \

FROM texlive_base

VOLUME [ "/data" ]

After testing the build on this Ubuntu image, it’s time to set up CI/CD on a GitLab Runner.

# use `dind` or docker-in-docker for building the image
  image: docker:19.03.12
    - docker:19.03.12-dind

# use a single stage since I don't want to bounce the image off a registry
  - build

# set up some variables for dating the pdf and exposing the working dir as a volume
    - export CI_JOB_TIMESTAMP=$(date -I)
    - export CI_BUILD_WORKDIR=$(pwd)

  stage: build
  # copy in some commands from the makefile since I couldn't figure out how
  # to get a docker image with make installed :) maybe next time.
    - echo "Building Docker container for rendering"
    - docker build -t latex .
    - echo "Successfully built container"
    - echo "Rendering PDF in container"
    - docker run --rm -i -v $CI_BUILD_WORKDIR:/data latex pdflatex --jobname=resume-$CI_JOB_TIMESTAMP resume.tex
    - echo "Successfully rendered PDF"
  # attach the pdf to the job and pipeline
      - ./*.pdf

And boom, now I can just change my *.tex files, commit and push, then let GitLab make and host the PDF. All while having a history of what my resume looks like!